Water Department

Utilities Emergency Number ImageThe Altoona Water Department is responsible for operating and maintaining the City’s wastewater system. This system includes the following infrastructure:

  • More than 110 miles of public water pipes
  • More than 1300 public hydrants
  • 3 water treatment plants
  • 3 water towers / standpipes
  • 3 production wells
  • 2 lift stations
  • 1 water booster station

Water Meter Program
The City of Altoona has an active program for water meter replacement. The meter replacement program is FREE to the homeowner. Currently we are changing out meters with usage of over a million gallons. The old meters are being replaced by VFLEX Water meters, these meters are the newest in technology and will allow the city to read the meter remotely. There is no charge to the homeowner for this meter.

For Emergencies call - 515-313-6190